Playing with Lightroom

In preparation for an corporate event job where I need to deliver pictures “real-time” I have been playing with Lightroom. I am creating a set of “presets” to recover images from the immediate problems that I know I will encounter.

Whilst I am not a great fan of editing, and still do my work “in camera”, I am finding the process of Lightroom and the effects rather fun. This image is a “play” whilst trying to learn the contrast and lens correction options in Lightroom.

I still don’t consider it “artistic” relying upon a programmer’s work, but to provide working images suitable within a short delivery time Lightroom and Presets is a valuable tool, from a marketing perspective.

As I work to refine my key presets my aim is to concentrate on issues of “photographic problem solving” to get the images better. Some of the problems I am trying to deal with are:

Low Light
Extreme light and dark in images
Pastel-ising an image for Marketing
Enhancement to slow-exposure movement

All these are situations that I know I am going to encounter as my “image plan” for the event and the lighting conditions are planned well in advance.

I will make them available to Youtube followers once I have finished the development process…  Follow on Youtube to stay informed.
