New World Order: BRICS or WEF?
The following is my assessment of where we are and where we are heading.
A violent game is being played for world domination. The WEF, US, NATO and EU concept of staying on top is eroded. Russia, China and India (BRICS) have slowly eaten away at the West’s dominance. Faced with this, the West went “all in” with Ukraine in an American Gamble to stem the tide; but it all went horribly wrong.

Who you choose to partner with is as important as the legitimacy of the position you are taking. Zelenskyy has undermined the NATO/US strategy not as an enemy, but as a fool. But he is not alone.
WEF partners and puppets
Clearly the WEF has captured people who have been turned into obedient fools to further a strategy. The very attributes that made them amenable to serving, are the very reason they are useless. Their lack of strength of character and the need for emotional strokes are the very weaknesses the WEF can ill afford.
Consider the actions and attributes of these political muppets that represent this “oh so clever” WEF strategy.
We have a blatant disregard for human rights, law and morality. They all have an arrogant sense of being perfect. And yet they all seem to take draconian measures to avoid criticism and scrutiny. They are broken minds; engineered and deluded.
Thankfully all these people are exposing the problems of the plan before it can be forced through. Sadly many people have lost their lives, livelihoods and homes for a game of dominance driven by a few.
MINSK Agreements
The real question here is, did the US decide alone that undermining these agreements would be beneficial, or did the WEF direct this strategy? I suspect the latter.
Either way the fact remains that going against Russia by ignoring their own concerns and concerns for the Russian speaking Ukrainians was a mistake.
Trying to break BRICS
Trying to separate China and Russia to pick them off one at a time was equally flawed. Not least because Pelosi went to Taiwan and pushed China to recognise Russia was a more reliable partner.
Interestingly too, a few months ago it was reported the Indian government commented on a visit from a UK delegation. The comment went along the lines of China visits and helps, the UK comes and gives a sermon. Which clearly shows the Indian government are far from naive.
Breaking India’s back
Having given Russia and China an impetus to find common ground for mutual survival, BRICS now looks stronger. The only option for the West is to undermine the next largest in the group.
Probably the preferred method of causing India problems is to remove any stabilising factor in Pakistan. India would then be under proxy attack. The Pakistani government was indeed destabilised. However, the result was not fast enough at pressuring India and indeed pushed India closer to old allies.
The choice to install Sunak into the UK Prime Minister position is probably the last gasp attempt from the WEF to break India from BRICS. With his ethnic background a new form of influence on India can be applied by the West. The UK is now key to WEF breaking India and splitting them from BRICS.
The problem is even if they make India drop out and be vulnerable, the strength of BRICS with China and Russia is in my view enough. And as we have seen India is not led by the blind.
What next?
There is no doubt in my mind that BRICS is the New World Order, and that the WEF strategy will fail. The open question relates to India. How gullible or desperate is India’s Government? Do they think the UK is approaching them only for trade?
If India weakens itself it simply changes to the loosing side and drags the transition on longer. It will not likely change the outcome for the world; only for itself.
I personally would prefer a NWO of BRICS than a NWO as envisaged by the WEF.