Labour Party; the key to British political reform… but not in the way you think.
When we think of reform, most will be thinking of first past the post and proportional representation. There is however a for more fundamental reform that is wholly in the hands of the electorate and is long overdue.

It is time for the UK to recognise that the democratic system only works when there is genuinely a choice of differing strategies encapsulated in different political parties. Sometimes there is a time for social responsibility; others a time for economic growth and investment. Sometimes even a bit of both. What however all parties need is a genuine understanding of history, and strong ethics, duty and most of all empathy.
I have always been conservative but still I recognise the problems the Conservative party has brought upon the country; and also see they too have members that would throw the country under the bus if they had something to gain personally.
The root cause of Conservative madness is the over confidence they derive from a consistently incompetent Labour Party.
Labour Party
Tony Blair broke the Labour Party. He transformed the Labour party into a poor version of the Conservatives, castrated some of the union influence and derived an arrogance that led to riding roughshod over all that the party had represented.
It is therefore understandable that Jeremy Corbyn had his work cut out. The Blair reforms disheartened the traditional support, not forgetting the added disgust with Iraq and playing lap dog to the USA. Added to all this was the Labour Party electoral nail in the coffin. The devolved parliaments created a no win situation for Labour from that moment on.
Scotland, fired up by a misdirected nationalistic illusion have backed the SNP, which has effectively excluded Labour from getting those seats in Westminster. Well done Tony, the Conservatives could not have done it better. Little wonder the Conservatives, like the SNP, don’t really want the disappearance of the Scottish parliament or the disappearance of the referendum discussions.
Lacking this source of seats the Labour Party floundered. The more they attempted to regroup and restore their message, the more they wrapped themselves up in collecting fringe groups. Desperation to just to make the numbers. Today we see a party that is not only pandering to conflicting fringe issues, but is also staffed by fringe MP’s. Indeed ignoring the electorate and wanting to undo Brexit was one of these fringe issues. It seems many of their MPs have competence for only their pet peeve. Far more important issues need addressing and in opposition Labour are not able to meaningfully engage in these important issues.
Elections and consequence
Faced with this mess the country has a problem too because elections are not about choosing who we like!
Elections are about choosing who is best suited for the problems we face. But in the absence of a viable choice we have no democracy.
We also need a choice where a government that is elected is not frightening to the people who did not vote for them. Something we seem to have equally lost along the way thanks to Tony.
How can we reform?
Members of the Labour Party need to recognise that the party no longer represents what it did before. The name being about the only thing that has been retained. Whilst this puts a smile on the faces of most Conservative voters, it is not helpful.
The replacement for the Labour Party exists, biding its time and I would have said quietly, but George is far from quiet.
At last the country has a choice. Either we continue with an ever more blasé Conservative government without any hope for checks and balances; or alternatively politically left leaning voters transition from the shell of the Labour Party to the Workers Party of Britain.
It needs to be said, but not even Conservative party voters benefit from a single party state. Recognising our situation I feel many would support restoration of a meaningful choice and welcome a competent viable alternative government.
The irony is not lost on me.
So whilst Scotland played a major part in the destruction of the Labour Party, equally it brings us a strong, outspoken man with rock solid convictions, who very well could be the saviour of the country; keeping us together and restoring balance. Whatever your political persuasion, unless you have found a rock to hide under, the issue affects us all!