Owning Blacks…
28th Sept 2022
The recent racist comments from a Labour Party member about the Chancellor exhibits not racism but arrogance. The Labour Party seem to see the British voting population with African or Asian origins as property of their party. Are we surprised; well we should not be…

We repeatedly see the Labour Party ignoring voters wishes. We saw that with Brexit being undermined in their Westminster votes and indeed with calls to reverse the voters majority decision. Moving to ethnic groups having some specific loyalty to their political party is just the cherry on the cake.
How can a mainstream party be so disrespectful to a part of the electorate and yet still get enough numbers to be the opposition is an enigma. Either the voters for Labour are stupid or there is a very well orchestrated media support for crackpots. Nothing much else could explain it.
The Labour Party may as well say that people of ethnic origin are property of the Labour Party and they must do as they are told… it is not reasonable and nor is it respectful to expect people to slavishly support a political party.
Slavery was abolished years ago, but someone forgot to tell Labour!