Why MAGA helps the world…

Foto von Natilyn Hicks (Natilyn Photography) auf Unsplash
Donald Trump is a controversial man. His style, demeanour and his openness is disarming to some and an opportunity to belittle by others. However with MAGA and America First he tried to set a responsible transition in motion. The alternative was the war, destruction and death, that Joe Biden has brought.
It is simply naive to argue his delivery was childlike so his thinking must have been too; but the situation that is facing America shows that his thinking was foresighted.
Repeated US governments have “owned” countries and forced the petrodollar’s acceptance to ensure the US remained on top at the expense of others in the world. The last 20 years have been a slow but relentless push from other countries to stop this domination. China and Russia as the greatest losers to this US government strategy clearly led the way; but many others suffer it too.
Donald Trump saw that the power of the petrodollar was evaporating and he also noticed that the ability to ensure international agreement for US policy was wavering. As indeed did the seasoned politicians in Washington.
The difference was that the seasoned politicians all had a stake in the maintenance of the current state of affairs. So faced with the threat they simply upped the anti and attempted to continue the same policy with more violence and pressure. The “COUNTERING AMERICA’S ADVERSARIES THROUGH SANCTIONS ACT“ shows that this was so in Congress despite Trump operating differently.
Donald Trump on the other hand appeared to recognise the futility of trying to remain controlling the world. He worked on two very clear paths to prepare the United States for the inevitable transition; and positioned the US to be competitive.
Being friendly & North Korea
Only those under a stone can remain indifferent or unaffected by the bridges he built around the world. His ability to build a trust and relationship with traditional enemies was extraordinary and contributed to removing fear and promoting peace.
Recognising what previous US governments had done, even to allies, this strategy was extended to other countries. It worked to ensure that trade in the future would be possible despite previous behaviour.
Preparing people to help themselves
The second principle he put into practice was MAGA and America First. A foundation of getting Americans to recognise that economic survival depends on buying American too, even if it costs a little more.
Being proud in your own production, proud in your own workers, proud in your own inventiveness.
Deceitful forces
The mainstream media in the world did its best to discredit his strategy and did more than bring down a President. The removed a President working to protect the country’s future without resorting to war, death and destruction.
The US and international press engineered a policy change, bringing disruption, poverty, and a good dose of Alzheimer’s to the White House.