Understanding Annie Leibovitz!

I was shocked by an advert on youtube for a masterclass by Annie Leibovitz where she says "there's this idea that in portraiture, its the photographer's job to set the subject at ease...  I, I, I don't believe that..." - This is so different to my thinking I just had to see if her pictures

What’s in my bag (First posted on JCH 12th Dec 2016)

I use digital as if it were manual analogue, so my setup is perhaps a little strange considering many people at JCH seem to be very into film. I use the Nikon D5200, together with Nikkor AIS lenses. I started this round of camera with the D5200 and the 18-105mm kit lens. The images were

Opinion: RAW for clients? – Surely YES!

As photographers doing commercial work we need to decide if we are first and foremost a service provider or alternatively an artist. In other words which comes first!  This confusion can hurt clients, and in this article I try to explore if there are not more co-operative solutions...

Opinion: Canon 5D Classic

My father recently purchased a Canon 5D Classic.  Looking at Youtube videos to investigate which lens might be most appropriate it became apparent that pictures from the “Canon 5D mark I” all exhibit a rather special and pleasant look.  This got me thinking…  how can that be? and why did it stop?