Over the last few weeks I have been learning Lightroom. Video tutorials and free presets seemed to be a good place to start to get a feel for the tool. In reality the options, their function and the tool took the least time to understand. What took time was establishing the way I was going
I have gathered together information that I think will help photographers visiting Munich. The main aim being to make your visit more enjoyable, productive, safer and cheaper.
I like Eric Kim. He has provided much information, ideas and guides to the internet community for many years. He is happy and enthusiastic for the genre and this rubs off on most people. His information comes in written, pictorial and video formats, which makes it suitable for all types.
Street photography often entails photographing people in public. What is the law in different countries for photographing people in public spaces? Here's a good start...
I am not a great fan of editing. I always try to get it right in camera. Getting to grips with Lightroom 6 has made me recognise opportunities and I wanted to share some of my progress from the last few days.
I now have 4 older Nikkor manual metal lenses and each is an engineering masterpiece. The glass, the metal milling and the smooth operation feel just right, as lenses should. Solid, well made, compact and quality sum them up rather well.
Today we had 2 little deliveries from NinjaFrederick within an hour and a half. Luckily they were dead! Over the last weeks we have had live mice and even a living blackbird, all screeching in his jaws! And yes the living are captured and returned to the garden.
In preparation for an corporate event job where I need to deliver pictures “real-time” I have been playing with Lightroom. I am creating a set of “presets” to recover images from the immediate problems that I know I will encounter. I will make them available to Youtube followers once I have finished the development process...
Karen decided to snap away whilst I was looking in my dream window. The second hand window at the Sauter Store in Munich. I am the one on the far right with a “cig & rucksack” Enjoy Alex.,
Within Munich are some rather nice quarters. Some are impressive for their architecture, others for their “hustle bustle”. South of Sendlinger Tor there is an area which has a large and very old city graveyard. The grave stones are old and many are very ornamented. Some are damaged from bombs during WWII others are just